Friday, March 11, 2011

Green egg's and Ham!

  Yesterday felt much, much more like Spring!!! So, I planned on having a picnic inside the house for the kids. We love to do this on a blanket in the livingroom like nuts. However when Noah got home from school, he announced he would like green eggs and ham. Me being the mother I am thought... Okay this is doable. Ha, we did it, I did it for the kiddos and it was not easy to choke down! Tasted the same but my mind said otherwise, eggs should not be green!
Well we started with coloring our eggs green. I scrambled them because I didn't want to try to just mix the color in the whites.

 Cut up the ham in chunks so it was ready to go.

I cooked up the egg's first, then added the ham, all the while thinking.. These kids are never going to eat this!

 But I was wrong, they happily ate those green eggs and ham, they ate them Sam I am!

After we ate green eggs and ham we had a small (belated) birthday cake for Dr. Seuss, it was enjoyed by all especially Miss. Lydia who went from her chair directly to the bath tub!

So our day didn't end in a fun inside picnic like I had originally thought. But we learned we could have just as much fun eating green eggs and ham!

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